As your approaching adulthood you will start to take responsibility for your own health needs. Here’s some information you may need
Dental care provides treatment you need to help maintain your oral health including teeth and gums. It is important to have regular dental check-ups these are usually 6 monthly but can be yearly dependent on what your dentist arrives.
How to find a dentist?
Everyone should be able to access good-quality NHS dental services.
Simply find a dental practice that's convenient for you, whether it's near your home or work, and phone them to see if there are any appointments available. It is important to be aware that not all dental practices take NHS patients some are private practices.
If you do not have a regular dental practice or are new to the area, you can search for an NHS dentist near you on NHS website.
Dental practices won't always have the capacity to take on new NHS patients – you may have to join a waiting list, look for a different dentist who is taking on new NHS patients, or be seen privately.
Once you find a dental practice, you may have to fill in a registration form at your first visit, which is purely to add you to their patient database. However, that does not mean you have guaranteed access to an NHS dental appointment in the future (NHS).
Problems finding an NHS dentist
If after contacting several dental practices you still can't find a dentist accepting NHS patients, you should call NHS England's Customer Contact Centre on 0300 311 2233. Or follow link below:
You have the legal right to choose a GP practice that best suits your needs.
Try comparing GP practices according to facilities, services, access and performance before you decide.
Ask friends, relatives and others you trust for their thoughts and recommendations.
The GP practice must accept you, unless there are reasonable grounds to refuse you.
These must not relate to race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or a medical condition.
It must also give you reasons for its decision in writing.
A GP practice may refuse to register you because:
- it has no capacity to take on new patients
- it may not be accepting patients that do not live within its practice boundary
- in your particular circumstances, it may not be appropriate for you to register with a practice that's a long way from where you live
- When you have found a practice you like, you'll have to formally register with it as an NHS patient by submitting a registration form to them.
- The GMS1 registration form (PDF, 156kb) is available at the practice, or you can download it from GOV.UK.
- Forms may vary slightly, and some practices use their own version.
- When you have completed and returned the form, NHS England will transfer your medical records to your new practice and write to you to confirm your registration as a patient with that practice (NHS).
Please follow this link for further information and search for GP in your area.
NHS 111
The NHS 111 is the phone number to call if you a concerned about your health and have a general question about health concerns and you are not sure about what to do.
NHS 111 also have an online service you can access.
NHS 111 online link
Transition to adult services
Transition is the purposeful planned movement of young adults with chronic conditions from child-centred to adult-orientated health care systems. If you are currently under children’s services then transition to adult services will be discussed with you and your family to ensure you are supported with a smooth transition. If you are worried speak to your care provider or specialist.
For further information click on the link below
Free or reduced-price healthcare costs
A HC1 form allows a person on low income to apply for help with dentist, options, prescriptions etc. This is based on how much you earn from a job or student finance and may cover the whole cost.
If approved, you will be sent an HC2 form which will show your entitlement.
The link below will direct you to the application form