On this page…
Ann and Stan lead a normal life…
This is not as easy as it sounds. Stan, is a 59 year old and has had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for over 10 years. He lives with his wife Ann, 58, who has heart failure. Until recently they had to visit their surgery frequently or wait in for visits if they needed help. Telehealth changed all of this. For the last six months they have been able to make sure that their conditions don’t stop them living happy independent lives.
“If you can use a remote control, you can use Telehealth.”
Some people can be put off by technology and worry about it being confusing. This was something Stan was keen to dismiss: “If you can turn your TV on and off, then you can use the device. It’s helped us learn more about our conditions too, there are also videos you can watch about your illnesses, these help you to become more confident to manage your symptoms, it’s all available at the push of a few buttons. It is nice to know that there is a nurse at the end of the phone, if you need advice.”
“I’m connected through the device to nurses. I take my blood pressure, and oxygen levels and these are sent through my device. This helps us to live a more independent life. We still get out and about and we enjoy gardening.”
“The system picked up a few issues when I was unwell. The nurses had seen my readings early and they were able to advise me at home and stop me going into hospital.”
- The community health care professional or the hospital team has referred you to Telehealth because you need closer monitoring due to your health condition
- You will receive a call from the telehealth team to explain the service and monitoring options
- You will start to send readings to Telehealth using a secure link on the smartphone or a tablet provided by the Hub
- The nursing team in the clinical Hub will monitor the readings and contact you to discuss any concerns
- The concerns will be escalated to specialists and consultants according to your care needs
- You will receive messages, health surveys, and videos related to your health condition through the app on your smartphone from Telehealth
- Telehealth can also help you support people who have other health conditions such as Diabetes, Heart failure, Covid 19, and pneumonia and support you following a hospital admission
“It’s a great support for people with our conditions. In the past if I was unwell, I was told to ring the paramedics or go to hospital, but now everybody is working together to keep me out of hospital. I’m connected, and I know that somebody is monitoring my condition and I’m happy with that!”
“We can’t recommend Telehealth highly enough.”
Telehealth can…
- Help you take control to live more independently and safely at home
- Help you to understand and monitor your conditions from home to improve your quality of life
- Give you the peace of mind that your condition is monitored regularly by a nurse
- Reduce the likelihood of you needing emergency hospital treatment.
For more information
Please contact Health Technology Hub on 0151 285 4651
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Phone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941
Email: palsandcomplaints
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