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NHS Talking Therapies offers free NHS therapy for people with common mental health problems like anxiety or depression, to help you change the way you feel by changing the way you think.
When you have your first assessment appointment with a member of our team, you will have plenty of time to talk through the treatment options in more detail to help you decide which one is right for you.
Most people find that online therapy or a wellbeing course is all they need to feel better, but if you still need extra help after completing these, we will then discuss further options that may be available to you.
With our easy to access, flexible therapy options to suit your lifestyle, you’ll have a choice of either:
Option 1 - online therapy through our SilverCloud system
- Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Can be done at a time and place that suits you
- You can start the therapy straight away
- You will get weekly online support from your therapist
- You will have access to the system for a year after you’ve been discharged from the service
- It has been shown to be more effective than one-to-one therapy.
Option 2 - Skills for Wellbeing Course
A six week course that will help you develop skills to manage your mood
- The sessions are informal and relaxed, and you don’t have to talk about your problems if you don’t want to
- Courses are available in your local area
- You will have a choice of times you can attend
- A new course begins every three weeks so you’ll never have to wait more than a few weeks to join
- When you have your first assessment appointment with a member of our team, you will have plenty of time to talk through the two options in more detail to help you decide which one is right for you.
Most people find that online therapy or a wellbeing course is all they need to feel better, but if you still need extra help after completing these, we will then offer you face to face, one to one therapy with one of our specialist therapists.
Halton Talking Therapies
St John's Unit,
Alforde Street,
Tel: 0151 292 6954
How to access our service
Call us on 0151 292 6954
Complete an online referral form on our website
Visit your GP who will be able to make a referral to our service on your behalf
Our patients matter
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.
If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.
Phone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941
Email: palsandcomplaints@merseycare.nhs.uk
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