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You have been invited to attend the Long COVID Service. This is an opportunity to discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing following an acute infection of COVID-19.
Symptoms can be many and varied and can change over time. The service enables you to see a range of health care professionals who will work with you to develop a personalised care plan that meets your needs.
Before your appointment
Before you attend clinic in person, we would like you to complete the COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehab Screening Tool, enclosed with your appointment letter.
This information allows us to understand whether you’re experiencing problems related to coronavirus and allows us to focus on the things that are important to you.
Social prescribing
During your appointment, a social prescriber from our health improvement team will focus on a wider holistic assessment. This means that we will assess your physical problems but also consider the social, mental or financial impacts that your symptoms have had upon you.
Clinic time
Clinic starts at 1.30pm. You will have up to four consecutive appointments with different health care professionals. Please arrive up to 10 minutes before your appointment time to ensure that all appointments can be completed.
Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your first appointment to allow for safe distancing within the waiting room. You can attend appointments with a family member or carer if you find this helpful.
Arriving at the clinic
If you have mobility or accessibility concerns, please phone the clinic beforehand where staff will be happy to help. When you arrive at the clinic please report to the reception area on the second floor. Lifts are available to support easy access. After reporting to reception, you will be asked to wait in the waiting area.
Please be aware that for everybody’s safety we ask that patients and carers wear masks or face coverings (unless exempt), use hand gel and maintain safe distancing.
Clinic structure
During your time at the clinic, you may need to be seen by different members of the team. Each patient will have different problems due to their COVID-19 and our aim is for you to see the right people to help you and meet your needs.
Members of the team you could see on the day of your appointment may include:
- GP and Community Matron (a very experienced nurse)
- Social Prescriber
- Pulmonary rehab physiotherapist.
Each appointment will focus on the different symptoms that you may be experiencing so please remember you may not need to see every member of the Long COVID Team.
Clinic duration
Each appointment with our team may take between 30 and 60 minutes so please come prepared to stay for as long as two hours and 30 minutes to complete your appointments.
Care plan
On completion of your appointments, your team will meet to produce your care plan. This will be a summary of the plan that each person has discussed with you during your appointments.
This may include referrals on to other services. The care plan will be posted to you following the appointment.
Follow up
You may be invited to attend the clinic six months later but we will contact you and if we are able to do your assessment by phone, we will. The decision whether you need to be seen in the clinic will be a joint one between you and the member of the team who contacts you. We are committed to making the service fit with people’s busy lives so we will not ask you to attend clinic again unless it is necessary that you physically see a member of the team.
Unfortunately, there are no refreshment facilities available at the clinic so we suggest that you bring a drink as you will be at the clinic for up to two hours.
Temperatures can vary in clinics due to heating and ventilation systems, particularly in winter months. As you will move between clinic rooms and waiting areas, you may want to wear clothes that are layered and can be adjusted in response to different temperatures.
Missed appointments
It is important that you keep your appointment. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can allocate the appointment to another patient and help to reduce waiting times.
If you are unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 you should not attend clinic. Please contact us as soon as possible and we will rearrange your appointment. Failure to attend your appointment may result in you being discharged from the service.
Our patients matter
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.
If you have any comments,compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.
Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941
Email: palsandcomplaints
Contact details
Phone: 01744 621 695
Email: MCN-TR
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