Services provided

  • NHS Dental Treatment
  • Treatment for anxious patients
  • Preventive care
  • Dedicated Oral Health sessions
  • Assessment and advice for housebound patients.

NHS dental charge

Unless exempt, normal NHS Dental charges apply. We accept payment by cash, cheque or card. Posters in the waiting room have more information about the cost of NHS treatment. Leaflets are also available.

Your rights and responsibilities

You have a right to be treated with dignity, respect and to be seen within half an hour of your appointment time. An explanation will be given if you are kept waiting for any reason. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know in advance, so that the appointment may be offered to another patient. Missed appointments waste valuable time and resources.

Disabled access

All our clinics have disabled access and toilet facilities. If you have a disability that you think we should know about please give us a call before your appointment and we will do our best to put suitable arrangements in place in order to accommodate your needs.

Requesting services

You can express a preference about which dentist you see. We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the request is met, but this may not always be possible. Please state who you would like to be seen by when booking an appointment.

Zero tolerance to abuse or violence to NHS staff

Patients who are violent or abusive to dental staff, reception staff, or anyone else on the premises will be refused treatment and reported to the appropriate authorities.

Data protection

Data protection law requires us to process your personal data fairly and lawfully. We take our duty to protect your personal information and confidentiality very seriously, and we are committed to taking all reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data for which we are responsible. If you have any questions pick up a leaflet at your clinic or go to our Privacy policy page.

Dental clinic opening hours

The dental service is provided from Health Centres which are normally open from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.

The dental service may not be available at all these times on every day of the week. For further information please contact the health centre, or contact us on 0151 295 8640.

How to access our service

This is by referral from your regular dentist or other healthcare professional. We will always attempt to help you find dental care that is appropriate to your needs.

Where to go if the surgery is closed

Should you have a dental emergency outside of the clinic’s opening hours, please call this number for advice: 0151 295 8640 or Out of Hours: 0161 476 9651 (Calls may be recorded)


Helen Sayer

BDS University of Liverpool 1988

GDC Number: 63658

Rachel Manning

BDS University of Birmingham 1991

GDC Number: 67038

Christina Cooke

BDS University of Dundee 1991

GDC Number: 67097

Hayley Leather

BDS University of Liverpool 2012, MFDS Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 2017

GDC Number: 227463

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Telephone: 0151 471 2377 or Freephone: 0800 328 2941


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Community Dental Health Service

Tel: 0151 295 8640

For further information about NHS dental services provided in Knowsley please contact Healthwatch Knowsley.

Tel: 0151 449 3954

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