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E-cigarettes have three main parts
- A cartridge to hold e-liqui
- An atomiser to vaporise e-liquid an
- A battery to power the device
Some have a built-in battery. Others include a separate re-chargeable battery.
Good quality e-cigarettes are usually switched on by pushing the on button a few times. This helps avoid it switching on accidently.
- If your device becomes warm when usingit, let it cool or replace the atomiser
- Replace the atomiser when the e-liquidchanges colour, or if you notice a burnttaste from your vapour. Most atomisersneed to be replaced every two to fourweeks.
E-Liquid usually contains nicotine which can be poisonous if you have too much. So:
- If e-liquid gets in your mouth, spit it outand rinse your mouth with water
- If a child swallows e-liquid, encouragethem to spit it out and seek medical adviceimmediately - you can call the NHShelpline on 111
- If e-liquid gets on your skin, wipe it off andwash with soapy water.
- Only buy legitimate e-liquid as the ingredients are regulated and monitored.
- Store e-liquid in a cool dark place.
- Dispose of empty bottles safely.
E-cigarettes use lithium batteries which are very powerful and can explode or short-circuit if they are mistreated or damaged. So:
- Replace the battery if the plastic coating isdamaged
- Regularly replace the batteries with thecorrect one for your e-cigarette
- Use good-quality batteries with a built-incircuit for extra safety
- Turn the battery off when you are not usingyour e-cigarette
- Avoid attaching the battery too tightly.
Although rare, fires and explosions can occur when e-cigarettes are charging. So:
- Only use the charger that comes with youre-cigarette or battery - other chargers can bea fire risk
- If you buy an e-cigarette with a built-inbattery make sure its is CE marked and hasfeatures to prevent overcharging
- Charge batteries on a hard surface and awayfrom anything flammable
- Unplug when the battery has powered up,and don’t leave it charging overnight
- Do not expose your battery to extreme heat,extreme cold, direct sunlight or water
- Avoid charging where water or other liquidsspills are likely.
Carrying your e-cigarette
Loose batteries and e-cigarettes can short-circuit and burn or explode if they come into contact with metal objects. So:
- Never carry loose batteries or e-cigarettesin your pocket or bag with loose change,keys or other metallic objects
- Always keep spare batteries in a plasticcase
- Switch off your e-cigarette when you arecarrying it.In the unlikely event of your e-cigarette getting very hot, sparking, or emitting hot gas, move it away from yourself and others as quickly as possible.
Cleaning your e-cigarette
Clean the e-cigarette cartridge or tank every day or two, depending on how much you use it. To clean the cartridge separate it from the atomiser and rinse in clear running water.
A rolled up tissue can be used to clean the mouthpiece. Dry the cartridge with kitchen towel or tissue and re-assemble.
Avoid getting water on the atomiser or battery.
Smoking is harmful to our health. It causes cancer, lung disease and heart disease. People with mental health problems die 15 to 20 years earlier than others in the UK. The main reason for this is smoking.
Quitting smoking is the single most important way to improve your health and wellbeing.
Using smoking cessation medication such as nicotine replacement therapy, and behavioural support, is the best way to quit smoking.
Some people have found that e-cigarettes help them cut down or quit smoking. This leaflet has information about how to use e-cigarettes safely.
For more information, please speak to staff in your care team and ask for a referral to the smoking cessation advisor.
Why are we smoke free?
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust hasa duty to promote health and wellbeing.
Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable disease and early death. We also have to comply with the Health Act (2006) and with NICE guidance on smoking (2013).
Our staff have been trained to deliver the best treatments for managing nicotine dependence.
Being smoke free means all patients benefit from improved health and wellbeing.
Anyone who stops smoking might find their medication works better and they can reduce their dose.
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Review date: 1 March 2023