What is psychotherapy?

Who we are

We’re a team of doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists skilled in a wide range of therapies. We offer you support and treatment under one roof from our hub, a bright airy building just a few hundred yards from the sea in Waterloo; if you live in South Liverpool and travelling to Haigh Road is not possible, some clinics are offered at Moss House and Baird House Community Hubs.

What can I expect?

Your first visit will be for an assessment so that together we can decide which of our services are most suitable for you. When you arrive you’ll be welcomed by our admin staff and meet your therapist. Your therapy will be in either a quiet private room or one of our relaxed group session rooms.

“People now have all the services they need under one roof and a more therapeutic alternative to inpatient services and A&E.”

Dr Simon Graham
Clinical service lead

Before you begin...

You may need to wait for a place on our treatment programmes.
Our six week preparation course gives you the skills to manage
until you start your therapy, and to understand what’s involved in
psychotherapy so you know what to expect once you start.

Our services

Conventional psychotherapies

Your choice of psychotherapy will depend on what you would like to work or change. Therapies include:

  • Engagement Group (six sessions)
  • Cognitive Analytical Therapy (16 sessions)
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (16 sessions)
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing EMDR (16 sessions)
  • Brief Psychodynamic Therapy (16 sessions)
  • Family Therapy (four to six sessions)
  • Group Analytic Psychotherapy (up to two years)

Personality disorder service

Our dedicated service for people diagnosed with a personality disorder strives to provide an environment where you feel safe and supported

  • Additional support from a specialist team of four nurses for people whose personality disorder is more complex, so they don’t have to go further afield for treatmen
  • Therapeutic day programme to help you tackle issues such as lack of motivation and regulating your emotions. We aim to help you develop a sense of identity, recognise your strengths, and develop interests, coping strategies and a sense of purposeBefore you begin...You may need to wait for a place on our treatment programmes. Our six week preparation course gives you the skills to manage until you start your therapy, and to understand what’s involved in psychotherapy so you know what to expect once you start.
  • Transition group to prepare people moving on from the therapeutic day programme
  • Crisis support for anyone registered with the PD service and in need of extra support. You can either phone or visit the hub and you will still be able to use the crisis service after you’ve been discharged.

The personality disorder day service and crisis service are open 9am to 10pm every day.

Personality disorder therapies

  • Psycho-education programme over 10 weeks assesses a person’s motivation and capacity to work in a group setting prior to commencing therapy
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a 12 month group and individual therapy programme to manage self-harm for those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Mentalisation Based Treatment (MBT) is an 18 month group and individual therapy programme to help people develop the capacity to understand their own and others intentions within relationship
  • Rotunda Service is a group-based psychological treatment programme. Service users are actively involved in running the session, taking responsibility for themselves and each other, challenging one another to break with old destructive patterns and cope with difficulties in new ways.

Stephanie’s story

“They’ve taught me to slow down and think about why I have such strong feelings…”

Classical vocalist Stephanie suffered from dyspraxia, which led to depression. She underwent mentalisation based therapy, which helps people to differentiate and separate out their own thoughts and feelings from those around them.

“I get incredible support. They’ve taught me to slow down, think about why I have such strong feelings and reflect; that’s crucial to maintaining relationships and keeping friendships strong.”

Tammy’s story

“I have all the same life issues, but now I deal with them ina different way...”

Tammy was part of the Rotunda therapy programme and is now a member of the transition group for people who have been through the programme; She also volunteers for the service.

“After spending so long not knowing what was wrong it was a relief to get a diagnosis. I understand now it’s part of my life. I still have all the same life issues but I deal with them in a different way. “

There’s so much under one roof...

You develop a relationship with the staff that can support you in lots of different ways…

The ethos encourages you to be involved and treats you like an equal…

It feels like a safe place, and gives you a sense of direction towards recovery…

There is a sense of community, of belonging and working together…

Spring House, 12 Haigh Road, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 3XP

Contact us: 0151 250 6128

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