The patient may have asked for mental health support or staff may have told us that someone could benefit from a mental health assessment.

We will triage all cases within one hour of referral from A&E and within 24 hours from ward areas.

Our team is led by experienced mental health practitioners including nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. They can offer advice and support. They can also signpost you or offer referral to other services if needed. The team members are experts on the safe delivery of mental health care.

If you or a member of your family feel that there is a need for a mental health assessment from us, please ask a member of your care team for more information.

Our pledge to patient

  • A&E referrals triaged within one hour
  • All other wards seen within 24 hours.

What is this service for

  • Early detection of mental illness and improved clinical outcomes as a result
  • Biopsychosocial assessment, referrals, reviews and care planning
  • Access to specialist mental health services
  • Support for people to return home wherever possible
  • For inpatient services, a decreased length of so more people return home spending less time in hospital
  • Working with acute trust staff to recognise mental illness, including dementia, delirium and depression
  • Reduction in readmissions and frequent attenders at A&E
  • Reduced admissions to long term care for older adults.

Relatives and carers

You are a carer if you look after someone who is ill, even if you don’t think of yourself that way. Caring for someone with a mental health problem can make you feel isolated. You’re not alone, but it may sometimes feel like that. It can affect everything from your relationships with the person, to money problems and having time to yourself.

Mersey Care holds the maximum two stars from the national Triangle of Care. This means we are fully committed to working with family members. We have links to local support groups as well as national organisations who can help or advise you.

If you have concerns about a relatives mental health, please speak with a member of the Mental Health Liaison Team.

If after you or your relatives discharge from hospital you experience problems related to mental health, contact your GP about support or referral to our mental health services.

About us

Mental Health Liason Team Large Print - image_1.jpgMersey Care provides specialist inpatient and community services that support physical and mental health and specialist inpatient mental health, learning disability, addiction and brain injury services. Mersey Care is one of only three trusts in the UK that offer high secure mental health facilities. Our vision is to strive for perfect, whole-person care that helps people live happier, healthier lives.

Quality, recovery and wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do. Mersey Care’s liaison psychiatry services are designed to operate away from traditional mental health settings, in general hospitals. Liaison psychiatry services respond to need as it presents.

Online self help guides

Topics include anxiety, bereavement, panic and post traumatic stress: Visit our self help guide page.

Useful contacts

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Phone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941

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