The course, which is facilitated by health professionals from the Later Life and Memory Services, runs over a six week period in weekly two hour sessions. Each session combines peer support with a specialist speaker who will lead information sessions with time allocated to ask your own questions.

The course will include two home visits, one prior to the course starting and one after the sixth session. For more information or to book your place, please contact a member of Later Life and Memory Service at the Brooker Centre on 01928 753 162.


Session 1

  • Introduction and individual expectations
  • Reminicence: Music/film/games

Session 2

  • Group reminiscence

Session 3

  • Personal/group reminiscence
    (Own photographs/objects)

Session 4

  • Topical reminiscence

Session 5

  • Personal/group life story
    (Own photographs)

Session 6

  • Music/film
  • Tea dance
  • Evaluation

Later Life and Memory Service

Brooker Centre
Hospital Way

Tel: 01928 753 162.

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.

If you have any comments,compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building, Kings Business Park, Prescot L34 1PJ.

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