Useful numbers and websites

St Helens Contact Cares

For support and advice in relation to social care/respite and a range of health teams.
Tel: 01744 676 000  8.00am to 10.00pm (7 days a week)

The Silver Line helpline

24 hour service
Tel: 0800 470 8090

St Helens Hargreaves Dementia Trust

Drop in and carers group
Tel: 0754 320 1062

Citizen’s Advice and support

Tel: 0844 826 9694


Mansion House, St Helens
Tel: 01744 752644

Admiral Nursing Direct

Tel: 0800 888 6678

Social Services

If you need urgent help out of hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0845 050 0148

Alzheimer’s Society

For dementia advice and support, or to attend group activities, you can contact 0151 420 8010

National Dementia Helpline

Tel: 0300 222 1122

Fire Service Prevention Team

If you need a home fire safety assessment
Tel: 0800 731 5958 or 0151 296 6583

Pilkington’s Welfare Team

(If you are an ex Pilkington’s Pensioner)
Tel: 01744 457 918

Admiral nurse

Tel: 01744 457 939

What to do if

Your experience:

  • Changes in your mood, personality or behaviour
  • Increased agitation or anxiety
  1. Check your Physical Health

Are you unwell or do you have an infection?

  • Urine, chest, wound
  • Have you a long term condition that requires review?

Are you?

  • Constipated
  • In pain
  • Had there been a recent change to your medication and are you taking your medication as prescribed?
  1. Check your psychological well being

Is the cause of your agitation/distress environmental?

  • Are you bored or is the environment too stimulating and/or noisy for you?

Has anything happened that may have affected your mood or behaviour?

  • Changes in your personal circumstances?
  • Bereavement/loss?

If the answer is yes to any of the above consider the following:

  • Do you need to seek medical assistance?
  • Do you need to adjust the care and support you receive?
  • Contact your GP or Social Services.

For more information contact

Later Life and Memory Service

Harry Blackman House
Peasley Cross
Marshalls Cross Road
St Helens

Tel: 01744 646 324 / 01744 646 833

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.

If you have any comments,compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, V7 Building, Kings Business Park, Prescot, L34 1PJ.

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