What is COVID-19, or Coronavirus?

Liverpool Long COVID 16 17 Fatigue management - image_2.jpgCoronavirus is a group of infectious diseases that range from a common cold to a more serious illness which affects your lungs and breathing. When people are unwell with COVID-19, they may have symptoms such as a cough, fever or difficulty breathing.

What is long COVID?

Adults and children may be affected by prolonged ill health because of COVID-19, known as ‘long COVID’.

It's important to recognise that people who had a mild case of COVID-19 can still develop Long COVID.

It’s important that children and young people with possible long COVID have an early, detailed assessment.


  • Post COVID-19 syndrome: signs and symptoms which develop during or after an infection consistent with COVID-19, continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis
  • Long COVID: the term 'Long COVID' is commonly used to describe signs and symptoms that continue or develop after COVID-19 infection. O

How might I feel if I have Long COVID?

Liverpool Long COVID 16 17 Booklet 1 - image_11.jpgEveryone is different, and lots of people might have different symptoms at different times. It is common to feel, or to experience, any of the below symptoms:

  • Respiratory (breathing) symptoms: breathlessness, cough
  • Skin rash
  • Brain fog and feeling sleepy
  • Cardiovascular (heart) symptoms: disturbances, chest tightness, chest pain, palpitations
  • Fatigue, high temperature, pain, hair loss

Other symptoms that you may be experiencing:

  • Liverpool_Long_COVID_16-17_Booklet-1_Image_Symptoms.pngStomach pain, nausea (feelick sick), diarrhoea
  • Ear nose and throat symptoms: tinnitus (ringing in the ear),earache, sore throat, loss of taste,altered taste, loss or altered smell
  • Dizziness, vertigo (loss of balance)
  • General joint pains, muscle pain
  • Mood changes, anxiety, low mood.These are only some of the symptoms you may be experiencing.

Referral to the Long COVID clinic is by GP referral only

To be referred you and your GP will need to confirm it is over 12 weeks since your COVID symptoms started. In certain circumstances, referrals can be made by your GP at four weeks if clinically appropriate.

Your GP will need to arrange for you to have some tests completed before they refer you to us. These are usually a chest xray, an ECG (a test used to check your hearts rhythm) and blood tests. When we receive your referral, we will check this over and will contact you to let you know if it has been accepted.

You will be offered a consultation which could take place, for example, by phone, virtually or face to face.

Long COVID clinics

At our clinics, people can be seen by different members of the team. Each patient will have different issues due to their COVID-19 and our aim is for you to see the right people to help you meet your needs.

Liverpool_Long_COVID_16-17_Booklet-1_Image_Nurse.pngMembers of the team you could see on the day of your appointment may include:

  • GP
  • Community Matron (a very experienced nurse)
  • Care Coordinator (a very experienced health professional who is the team leader)
  • Social Prescriber
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist.

Is there anything I can do to help myself?

There are many resources available and these can be assessed on our website.

Urgent help

Mersey Care also provides phone support for people experiencing a mental health crisis via the freephone numbers below:

Liverpool_Long_COVID_16-17_Booklet-1_Image_Telephone.pngIf you live in Liverpool and Sefton and are aged 16 and over, call our 24/7 freephone helpline: 0800 145 6570.

If you live in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington and are any age, call our 24/7 freephone crisis line on the NHS website.

We hope that you’ve found reading this information helpful. We appreciate that there isn't a 'quick fix' to Long COVID, however, we hope to assure you that by trying the advice and strategies here, this may support you to get back to living the kind of life which matters to you.

Liverpool Long COVID Team

Telephone: 0151 247 6418

Email: mcn-tr.liverpoollongcovidservice@nhs.net

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust is neither liable for the contents of any external site listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of these sites. This leaflet only gives general information. You must always discuss your individual treatment with the appropriate member of staff. Do not rely on this leaflet alone for information about your treatment. This information can be made available in other languages and formats if requested.

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.

If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Phone: 0151 471 2377 

Freephone: 0800 328 2941

Email: palsandcomplaints@merseycare.nhs.uk

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