Admiral nursing service

Admiral nurses provide specialist dementia support working alongside people with dementia, and their families offering one to one support, expert guidance and practical solutions.

To access Knowsley’s admiral nurse service, make an appointment with your GP practise.

Knowsley admiral nursing service

Willow House, 168 Dragon Lane,Whiston, L35 3QY

Tel: 0151 244 4369
Dementia Support service page 


Alzheimer’s society

Tel: 0300 222 1122
Alzheimer's Society Website

Dementia UK

Tel: 0800 888 6678
Dementia UK website

Age UK

Offers an advisory service and peer group support. The local group runs at Roby Community Centre, Knowsley.

Eating aids

Adapted cutlery can sometimes be beneficial if patients are having dexterity problems. Coloured crockery can be more easily seen, and can make food more easily visible on the plate.

Eating aids can be purchased from mobility stores or online, some examples are given below:

Ableworld St Helens

9 Eccleston Street
St Helens, WA10 2 PG
Tel: 01744 410 550
Ableworld website

Neater Eater, Neater Drinker (self feeding aids)

Tel: 01298 238 823
Neater Eater website

Ready made meals

Preprepared ready meals can be helpful if you have difficulties cooking meals yourself.

Different companies can offer frozen meals, cooked meals with delivery and specialist diets. Some examples are given below:

Wiltshire Farm Foods

Tel: 0800 077 3100
Wiltshire Farm Foods website

Oak House Foods

Tel: 0333 370 3100
Oak House Foods website

Local Support Services

Alzheimers Society Knowsley Office

Willow House, 168 Dragon Lane,
Whiston, L35 3QY

Tel: 0151 426 4433

Knowsley Carers Centre (Carers Trust)

Providing information, support, signposting to other available services and advocacy for carers.
143 Bewley Drive, Southdene, L32 9PE

Tel: 0151 549 1412

Knowsley Dementia Care Support, Memory Lane

Supporting carers and cared for with dementia. Providing emotional and practical support to carers, respite groups, functions and advice.

  • Wednesdays group meet from 10am to 2pm at the Arncliffe Sports and Community Centre, Arncliffe Road, Halewood, L25 9P
  • Tuesdays group meet at 1.30pm to 4.30pm at the Robert Foulkes Centre, Brook Street, Whiston, L35 5AP

Tel: 07858 032 490
Memory Lane website
Knowsley Dementia Support Facebook

Community Dietetics

Nutrition Support Team

Whiston Primary Care Resource Centre
Old Colliery Road
Whiston, L35 3SX

Tel: 0151 290 4330

Other health professionals

Speech and language therapy Knowsley

This service is accessed via health professional referral.

Tel: 0151 244 3383
Speech and Language service page


House of memories (based in Liverpool museum) has been developed to support carers in sharing of memories with people living with dementia, improving communication and focussing on the person rather than the condition.

Tel: 0151 478 4240
House of memories website

A house of memories app can be downloaded to a smartphone.

Housing support

People who have dementia, and those who care for them, may be entitled to relief on their council tax and housing benefit.

One Stop Shop
Cherryfield Drive, L32 1TX
Tel: 0151 489 6000

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.

If you have any comments,compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building, Kings Business Park, Prescot L34 1PJ

May 2021

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