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About the team
We provide expert nursing care, support and advice to children and young people with a disability or complex medical needs, and their families, enabling them to lead full and purposeful lives in the community.
We support children and young people with palliative care needs and at End of Life. We provide practical advice, teaching and awareness sessions and competency based assessments to ensure the safe support of children in the community and promote their inclusion into universal settings.
We work closely with other agencies including health, social care, education, voluntary and private sector to support the child/young person.
We help to complete Continuing Care Assessments, in order to provide support for children with unmet health needs at home, school or other community settings.
We accept referrals from:
- Health Visitors
- Hospitals
- Social workers
- Schools/nurseries
- Therapists
- Parents.
- Any child with complex medical needs with a Knowsley GP
- Any child requiring provision of specialist medical equipment or consumables with a Knowsley GP
- Ages 0 to 19 years.
Our team consists of the following roles:
- Team Leader, Specialist Community Children’s Nurse
- Specialist Community Children’s Nurse
- Child Health Nurse
- Assistant Practitioner
- Administrator.
We are available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
We are able to provide an on call service for End of Life Care 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday
We accept referrals from:
We work closely with the Children with Disability social work team to support children and young people to access universal and targeted provision within Knowsley.
We work with all agencies to promote the inclusion of children and young people with additional needs in all settings within Knowsley.
This may include writing health action plans, care plans, attending complex care panel, attending Early Help meetings and EHCP reviews.
For more information contact:
Children’s Community Nursing Team:
Tel: 0151 244 3653 (answerphone)
Manor Farm PCRC
Manor Farm Road,
L36 0UB
If you have concerns about your child outside of these hours, please contact your GP or call 111.
Our patients matter
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.
If you have any comments,compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.
Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941
Email: palsandcomplaints
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building, Kings Business Park, Prescot L34 1PJ
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