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Who we are
Integrated care teams work across Liverpool and Sefton with other organisations in the community.
The team helps to support any adults and their families who have more than one health or social care need, involving all organisations in their care. This is to ensure a comprehensive care plan is written with you at the heart.
We aim to support you, to lead a more independent and healthier life by involving you, your family and carers in the decisions that are made about your care, whilst maintaining privacy and dignity at all times.
What we do
The Integrated Care Team will work with you to plan care around your needs and will and provide accessible information in a way that suits you best. For example, the team may support a person with a physical health and mental health need to have one plan of care which meets both of these needs taking into account their wellbeing and other factors which may impact on their health such as disability isolation, debt, housing, substance use and carer support.
The only exclusions to ICT referral are for people who require urgent or emergency treatment. Once the emergency or urgent need has been met, the referral can be made for integrated care.
Any information gathered about your health and care needs will only be shared with other services who may support you. This will be discussed with you during your assessment, and you will be asked to give your permission before any information is shared.
What we do
The Integrated Care Team will work with you to plan care around your needs and will and provide accessible information in a way that suits you best. For example, the team may support a person with a physical health and mental health need to have one plan of care which meets both of these needs taking into account their wellbeing and other factors which may impact on their health such as disability isolation, debt, housing, substance use and carer support.
The only exclusions to ICT referral are for people who require urgent or emergency treatment. Once the emergency or urgent need has been met, the referral can be made for integrated care.
Any information gathered about your health and care needs will only be shared with other services who may support you. This will be discussed with you during your assessment, and you will be asked to give your permission before any information is shared.
We support your care based on all of your needs, not just a single problem. We do this through signposting to other services, agencies and professionals as required.
For example, the team may support a person with a physical health and mental health need to have one plan of care which meets both of these needs and also takes into account their wellbeing and other needs such as isolation, debt, housing, substance use and carer support.
How do I get referred?
Referrals to the Integrated Care Team can be made through any professional involved in caring for you or via your GP.
Contact your local team:
Central, North and South Liverpool: mcn-tr
0151 296 7807 or 0151 473 0303
South Sefton: sefton
Bootle: 0151 247 6004
Crosby: 0151 247 6342
Maghull: 0151 247 6847
Seaforth and Litherland: 0151 247 6941
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building, Kings Business Park
Prescot, L34 1PJ
0151 473 0303
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