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What is the ICRAS service?
ICRAS provides a rapid responsive service from a clinical multi-disciplinary team (MDT).
Within the ICRAS neighbourhood approach, we have inpatient intermediate care beds (hub rehabilitation units) and community services across Liverpool and South Sefton.
The MDT consists of GPs, senior nurses, pharmacist, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, therapy and health practitioner assistants and advanced clinical practitioners.
We will provide a two-hour timely response to all referrals, 24 hours a day (Liverpool) or 8am-8pm (South Sefton) 365 days a year, for those patients who have been deemed medically appropriate to be managed at home and require nursing, and/or therapy input.
The service is for patients who have a Liverpool or South Sefton GP, over 18 years of age and who have a condition that has been suitably assessed for management at home.
ICRAS also provide a dedicated Falls service which is available to the patients with South Sefton GP’s.
How can we help?
We will work with services in the community to prevent hospital admissions and support early discharges. We have a clinical and therapeutic approach to assist the patient to remain at home. This may include:
- Managing acute / chronic illnesses
- Therapy intervention
- Agreed individualised care plans
- Providing nursing intervention in your home environment
- Onward referrals if needed
Advantages of ICRAS
- Full clinical MDT approach efficient and effective care in your own home
- Remain in the comfort of your own home and familiar surroundi
ngs with your usual support
- Reduced risk of hospital acquired infections and risk of falls
- Reduce the pressure of travelling to hospital for family or carers
- Recovery from period of acute illness may be quicker at home than in hospital
- Patients who also have a South Sefton GP have access to the ICRAS Falls service.
Talk to us
If you feel that you would like to speak to one of the team, or you would like a nurse to visit outside of your planned calls you can contact the ICRAS team as below:
Liverpool Patients:
0151 247 6740 (Neighbourhood and Therapy)
South Sefton Patients:
0151 475 4204 (Neighbourhood)
0151 247 6113 / 0151 247 6119 (Therapy)
Neighbourhood Caseload Holder and Therapy Coordinator Mobile Numbers:
North 07825 756 588
Central 07825 756 934
South 07501 211 574
South Sefton 07813 544 829
Therapy 1 07901 305 057
Therapy 2 07771 616 374
Our patients matter
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.
If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.
Telephone: 0151 471 2337Freephone: 0800 328 2941Email: palsandcomplaints
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