The service aims to promote healthy bladder and bowels amongst children and young people. This will help to make sure every opportunity is taken to support a child to achieve their continence potentials, resulting in greater independence and dignity.

The service follows on from support given by Level 1 health promotion services such as your GP, health visitor or school nurse. They are able to offer support prior to referring to us for Level 2 specialist services, and ongoing care if required.

The specialist nursing staff work collaboratively with other professionals providing advice, support and education around the care of patients with complex needs.

What do we provide?

  • Clinical assessment of complex bladder and bowel issues young people registered with a Knowsley GP Health promotion advice for children and young people and their carers
  •  Support and advice to children and young people and their carers in relation to treatment
  • We work closely with other agencies including health, social care, education, voluntary and private sector to support the child/ young person
  •  Home visits
  • Support, advice and visits for patients with complex needs.

For night time wetting (also known as nocturnal enuresis), parents should contact their school health team.

They will offer an assessment and advice before you are referred into our service. Sometimes it is as simple as increasing the amount of fluid your child is drinking, or reviewing their diet and their day to day toileting pattern.

Toilet training

Support around toilet training is offered for children who have difficulty achieving continence after these initial interventions have been supported by level 1 staff for 12 weeks, and need further support.

Continence products are available for children with a diagnosed disability or medical need affecting their continence, where a continence assessment and toilet training has been completed by a member of the specialist team and been unsuccessful.

We do not provide disposable pull ups, based on evidence from Bladder and Bowel UK. However we will contribute towards washable pull up style pants with insert pads.

Our team

The team consist of paediatric continence advisors, a clinical lead and an assistant practitioner.

Further support

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member
of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Telephone: 0151 471 2377 or 0800 328 2941

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building
Kings Business Park
L34 1PJ

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