On this page…
Who are we?
We are a team of experienced and qualified mental health practitioners with backgrounds in mental health, learning disability, youth, nursing, occupational therapy and social work, and we support practitioners from a variety of backgrounds including substance misuse, youth work, custodial
settings and psychology.
We are often referred to as the mental health or
community psychiatric nursing (CPN) team.
The Criminal Justice Liaison and Diversion Team (CJLDT):
- aims to improve the health and criminal justice outcomes for adults andchildren who come into contact with the criminal justice system wherea range of complex needs are identified as factors in their offending behaviour
- offers access to appropriate interventions in order to reduce healthinequalities, reduce crime and increase the efficiency and effectiveness ofthe criminal justice system
- improves access to healthcare and support services for vulnerableindividuals through effective liaison with appropriate services aiming t\oreduce health inequalities
- diverts individuals, where appropriate, out of the criminal justice syst\emsinto health or other supportive services. Or, diversion within the criminaljustice system into appropriate pathways
- collaboratively works with individuals in court and criminal justicepartners to expedite criminal justice matters in the interests of theindividual, justice and economic climate
- aims to reduce rates of reoffending.
What we do
- We work with all vulnerabilities and operate an open referral system
- Produce court reports: detailed reports summarising a serviceuser’s vulnerabilities and how this may impact their functioning and engagement, along with possible recommendations
- Produce pre-sentence reports (PSR): questions to ask, discussing information provided, gathering information, signposting to other services
- Make recommendations for sentencing: mental health treatment requirement, hospital orders and rehabilitation activity requirement with a mental health component
- Judges and magistrates: share relevant information, request information,\ clinical guidance, and advice on psychiatric reports
- Health trusts: liaise and inform of outcomes of cases (e.g. care coordinators), conveying risk related information
- Prisons: share information, referrals and risk information
- Non-statutory services referrals appropriate to need
- Outreach team: support the service users to engage with both health and criminal justice community services and act as a proactive interim suppo\rt service until initial appointments are offered and attended, reduce risk\ of disengagement and breach.
Exceptions to our service
- CJLDT are not eligible to be appointed as 'expert witnesses'
- CJLDT are not responsible for the production/co-ordination of defence,CPS or HMCTS commissioned psychiatric reports
CJLDT will not act as intermediaries or the equivalent.
Where are we based
- Liverpool Combined Courts (Magistrates and Youth Court)
- South Sefton Magistrates Court
- Complex Case Court
- Wirral Magistrates Court
- Merseyside police custody suites.
Contact us
Liverpool Combined Courts
South Sefton Magistrates Courts
01514786550 (main office base)
Secure team
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