Carbapenemase are one of the most powerful types of antibiotics. Carbapenemase are enzymes (chemicals), produced by some strains of these bacteria, which allow them to destroy carbapenem antibiotics and so the bacteria are said to be resistant to most antibiotics.

How do I contract CPE?

Sometimes the bacteria can be found living harmlessly in the gut of humans and so it can be difficult to say when or where you contracted CPE. However, there is an increased chance of picking up the bacteria if you are a patient in hospital abroad or in a UK hospital that has had patients carrying the bacteria.

How will I be cared for whilst in hospital?

You will be assessed by healthcare staff as to whether you need to be nursed in isolation. You may be asked to provide a number of samples or swabs depending on your length of stay, to check if you are still carrying CPE.

How is it treated?

If possible, the antibiotics you have been taking will be stopped and if necessary another form of treatment will be provided. To treat the diarrhoea, you may need to take some other antibiotics for 10 days, which are more effective if taken by mouth. You should always drink lots of water when you have diarrhoea, to prevent you from becoming dehydrated.

How can the spread of CPE be prevented?

Samples to confirm CPE may include swabs of cannula sites, a rectal swab and or a faecal sample. Being in a single room or specific area helps to prevent spread of the bacteria. Healthcare workers will use gloves and aprons when caring for you and should wash their hands regularly.

The most important measure for you to take is to wash your hands well with soap and water, especially after going to the toilet. You should avoid touching medical devices (if you have any) such as your urinary catheter tube and your intravenous drip, particularly at the point where it is inserted into your body or skin.

Visitors will be asked to wash their hands on entering and leaving the room and may be asked to wear an apron.

Can I pass it on to other people?

Even though you may not be showing signs of infection, you may still be carrying the CPE. It is important to inform a member of health or social care staff when attending such setting that CPE has been identified previously.

You will receive a patient card on CPE from your care staff for you to carry and present to staff if you need to attend a health or social care setting. This will ensure that you are looked after appropriately.

Can I have visitors?

Yes you can still have visitors. People who are weakened by illness or on antibiotics, who have had surgery on the stomach and or bowel, people who are in hospital, especially those over 65 are at greater risk of becoming colonised with CPE.

If they are helping in your care, such as helping to wash you, then they may be asked to wear aprons and gloves. Your visitors should always wash their hands before and after visiting.

What happens when I am discharged home?

If you are medically fit, there is no reason why you cannot go home. Your GP, district nurse, or if you are in a care home, the person in charge will have been informed that you have contracted CPE. But it is worth reminding them. If you have any concerns you may want to wish them with your GP or the infection prevention and control team.

For more information contact:

Infection Prevention and Control Team
Tel: 0151 295 3036

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver. If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member
of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Telephone: 0151 471 2377 or 0800 328 2941

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building
Kings Business Park
L34 1PJ

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