Personal exercise programme

Sit to stand

if needed, move yourself forwards on the chair so that your feet are securely supported on the floor. Shift your weight forwards and push up to standing. Lower yourself back down into sitting in a controlled manor.

Repeat times.


Complete sit to stand, use hands on the supports if needed.


Complete sit to stand with eyes closed, using arm supports.


Complete sit to stand with eyes closed, without using arm supports.

Standing crouch

Stand in front of a table or chair holding on to the support

with both hands. Slowly crouch keeping your back straight and heels on the floor. Stay down for (see below) and feel the stretching in your buttocks and the front of your thighs.

Repeat - times.


Stay down for 2 seconds, before returning to starting position.


Stay down for 5 seconds, before returning to starting position.


Stay down for 10 seconds, before returning to starting position.

Hold for - seconds.

Standing straight feet together


Keep a hand close to a table side/surface to support when needed.


Complete with eyes closed (have chair/bed a few inches behind when completing this to sit down if required)

Tightrope walk

Stand with one foot in front of the other. Imagine you are standing on a rope.

Hold for - seconds.

Also practice walking like this.


Keep your finger tips in contact with a table side/surface

to use as support.


Keep a hand close to a table side, only use as support when needed.


Complete without support. (Still stay in close proximity of supportive surface).

Weight shift sideways

Stand with you legs apart and feet parallel and sway your weight from left to right.

Complete for 60 seconds.


Hold onto a table side/surface for support.


Complete without holding onto support.

Stay in close proximity of a supportive surface.


Complete with eyes closed. Hold onto support only when needed.

Weight shift for balance (part a)

Stand with feet together and your arms by your side (or take support if needed). Move one foot forward and shift your weight onto that foot.

Weight shift for balance (part b)

Then move the same foot behind you and shift your weight onto that foot again. Keep your balance while you repeat the movement. Repeat with the other foot.


Complete Part A and Part B as separate exercises.

Hold onto a table/surface for support if needed.


Combine both Part A and Part B and complete as one exercise.

Hold onto a table/surface for support if needed.


Combine both Part A and Part B and complete as one exercise.

No support needed.

Head twists

Standing, with chair behind. Turn your head left to right repeatedly with your eyes closed.

Complete for 60 seconds.

Personal exercise programmeSit to standIf needed, move yourself forwards on the chair so that your

feet are securely supported on the floor. Shift your weight forwards and push up to standing. Lower yourself back down into sitting in a controlled manor.

Repeat times


Complete sit to stand, use hands on the supports if needed.Intermediate:

Complete sit to stand with eyes closed, using arm supports.Advanced:

Complete sit to stand with eyes closed, without using arm supports.Standing crouchStand in front of a table or chair holding on to the support

with both hands. Slowly crouch keeping your back straight and heels on the floor. Stay down for (see below) and feel the stretching in your buttocks and the front of your thighs.

Repeat - times.


Stay down for 2 seconds, before returning to starting position.Intermediate:

Stay down for 5 seconds, before returning to starting position.Advanced:

Stay down for 10 seconds, before returning to starting position.Standing straight feet togetherStand with feet together.

Hold for - seconds.


Keep a hand close to a table side/surface to support when needed.Advanced:

Complete with eyes closed (have chair/bed a few inches behind when completing this to sit down if required).merseycare.nhs.ukBalance programme

Tightrope walkStand with one foot in front of the other. Imagine you are standing on a rope.

Hold for - seconds.

Also practice walking like this.


Keep your finger tips in contact with a table side/surface

to use as support.Intermediate:

Keep a hand close to a table side, only use as support when needed.Advanced:

Complete without support. (Still stay in close proximity

of supportive surface).Weight shift sidewaysStand with you legs apart and feet parallel and sway your weight from left to right.

Complete for 60 seconds.


Hold onto a table side/surface for support.Intermediate:

Complete without holding onto support.

Stay in close proximity of a supportive surface.Advanced:

Complete with eyes closed. Hold onto support only when needed.Weight shift for balance (part a)Stand with feet together and your arms by your side (or take support if needed). Move one foot forward and shift your weight onto that

Weight shift for balance (part b)

Then move the same foot behind you and shift your weight onto that foot again. Keep your balance while you repeat the movement. Repeat with the other foot.


Complete Part A and Part B as separate exercises.

Hold onto a table/surface for support if needed.


Combine both Part A and Part B and complete as one exercise.

Hold onto a table/surface for support if needed.


Combine both Part A and Part B and complete as one exercise.

No support needed.Head twists

Standing, with chair behind. Turn your head left to right repeatedly with your eyes closed.

Complete for 60

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