How does it work?

Man smiling with babyA short video is taken (about five minutes) of you with your baby, this is done with a small camera. The VIG Practitioner will only film when you are happy and feel comfortable.

The VIG practitioner, will then watch the video and create clips which show positive moments and interactions of you with your baby. In the feedback session you are shown these clips and you can then talk about what you can see, feel and think about the connection between you and your baby.

How will it help?

It is empowering to see positive moments of you with your baby, particularly if you feel you are struggling in your relationship.

It can be helpful to show you how well you are doing in connecting and communicating together. You may feel emotional watching the clips and that is completely normal. It can build your confidence as a parent and it is helpful to think about how your baby experiences.

You and the VIG practitioner can think together about what goal you want to achieve from the therapy.

What do families say?

Video Interaction Guidance helped me to see how much my baby loved me and was comforted by me. Video Interaction Guidance increased my confidence as a mum and improved my relationship with my baby.

Video Interaction Guidance helped me to think about what my baby was thinking and feeling, and this helped me to respond to her better.

Who do the videos belong to?

Woman with babyBefore we start VIG, you will be asked for written consent to film and record you and your baby.

The video recordings belong to you. Your VIG practitioner will speak through your rights and your responsibilities before the therapy starts.

Our patients matter

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.

If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.

Phone: 0151 471 2377

Freephone: 0800 328 2941


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Contact details

To find out more about VIG please call:

Telephone: 0151 351 8801


Knowsley address:

Building Attachment and Bonds Service
Manor Farm Primary Care Resource Centre
Manor Farm Road
L36 0UB

Sefton address:

Building Attachment and Bonds Service
Netherton Family Wellbeing Hub
Magdalen Square
L30 5QH

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