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What is Attend Anywhere?
We have asked you to attend a video appointment using Attend Anywhere. This is an online video calling system, like Facetime or Skype.
You can log on using a computer, tablet or phone that has Google Chrome. The device will need to have a camera, microphone, speaker and a good internet connection.
Why are we asking you to use it?
Our service is using Attend Anywhere due to government guidance around face to face appointments during the COVID –19 pandemic, however there are lots of other advantages to using Attend Anywhere:
- Reduced travel to appointments (time,cost, convenience)
- It may reduce anxiety for some people
- It reduces the amount of time away fromwork or home
- It is easier to attend if you usually need someone to take you to your appointments. They can either join you at your home or can join the call from another location, even from abroad
- Less travel can be better for the environment
- It can also reduce the spread of infectious diseases.
How do I log on?
Please look at the patient information leaflet that you have been sent for more information about how to log on to Attend Anywhere and for a list of FAQs.
What do I do if something is not working?
You can visit the NHS Attend Anywhere website for support or contact our service on 0151 426 5885.
Help and Information
You can log on to the system for a practice session if you want to. Although your practitioner will not be there to see you, you can still test your camera, microphone and internet connection during the practice.
If you have earphones to plug in to your device this can improve the sound quality of the call.
What will happen on the call?
During the video call we will begin your assessment for possible Autism Spectrum Condition.
This will involve asking you and your historian questions about your life experiences and childhood. Some of the questions are very detailed so the assessment can take sometime.
Some of the questions are personal and youmight prefer to be in a quiet, private space. The practitioner will also be in a private area so that your information is kept confidential. We will be taking notes within the call.
It is important for us to be able to see you clearly so that we can see your facial expressions and gestures.
Please try to sit in front of the camera so that we can see your face and upper body clearly. If someone is with you on the call, they can sit next to you but the camera should be mainly facing you.
Try to keep the camera as still as possible. If you are using your phone, try to stand it up with books or against a wall so that you do not need to hold it. Using a device with a larger screen is helpful.
Who will be on the video call?
There will be one or two practitioners from our service on the video. You will be able to see and hear the practitioner(s) and we will be able to see and hear you through the video link.
If possible, a historian should also be present for the call to provide childhood information. This could be a parent or someone who knows you well.
Your practitioner will talk with you about whyhaving historical childhood information is important for the assessment.
If it is not possible for a historian to join the video then you can attend the session alone or with a friend, carer or partner to support you if needed.
Our patients matter
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens andresponds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.
If you have any comments, compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and LiaisonService (PALS) and Complaints Team.
Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941
Email: palsandcomplaints
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