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Who we are

The Cheshire and Merseyside Adult Gender Identity Collaborative (CMAGIC) is a partnership of clinicians, commissioners, providers and service users involved in the support and care of transgender and non binary individuals within Cheshire and Merseyside

CMAGIC is one of three gender dysphoria services newly located within the primary care and sexual health setting.  The service is commissioned by NHS England, with other networked pilot provision being in Greater Manchester and London.

CMAGIC is supporting the delivery of a new specialist gender identity clinic available to individuals living in Liverpool, South Sefton, Halton, Knowsley, Southport and Formby, St Helens, Cheshire, Vale Royal and Warrington.

CMAGIC  offer a flexible range of  tailored support options, assessment for and diagnosis of gender incongruence, hormone therapy (including prescriptions and monitoring), referrals to voice therapy, hair removal, psychological therapy to help improve your mental, emotional and sexual wellbeing  and referral to surgical providers.

You will get easy access to your clinical team, with lots of opportunities to ask questions about your ongoing care (e.g. recent blood results, or any new or additional support needs that might arise).

Please see the questions and answers section for more information here.

  • Aged 17+ and registered with a GP in Cheshire and Merseyside
  • On a waiting list for an established nationalgender incongruence service having been referred prior to 31 October 2020 and not having attended their first appointment.

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded the contract to deliver this pilot service for two years. The service will become operational early next year and aims to improve provision for transgender and non binary patients (TGNB) across Cheshire and Merseyside. 

The service will work to the following national service specifications
Gender Dysphoria Clinical Programme

To read all of the questions and answers about the CMAGIC service, click here.

We are not accepting external referrals from primary care at this time.

For questions and answers around referrals, visit here.

CMAGIC Where we are