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About this service
Getting help early gives someone experiencing psychosis the best chance of getting better more quickly. Our early intervention teams work with people between the ages of 14 and 64. We support people between 14 and 64 who are thought to be experiencing their first episode of psychosis, and those who appear to be at increased risk of developing psychosis.
Our aim is to support people and their families through the experience and to get people back to where they want to be. We offer a space to talk and understand what is happening to them. We can, help manage stress and build confidence. We can advise on medication and practical issues such as education, employment, housing and benefits.
Our teams include mental health practitioners who are from mental health nursing, social work or occupational therapy back grounds, psychiatrists, psychologists and pharmacy.
We offer three programmes of treatment; people who have clearly had a psychotic episode are taken on for up to three years; those who appear to be at increased risk of developing psychosis are taken on for up to one year. Where we are uncertain what the presenting problem is after a detailed assessment, the person will be supported for six months, while a more detailed multi-disciplinary assessment is carried out.
What will happen at your first appointment?
We can either come to your home or see you at a local venue for your first appointment. It is up to you if you would like to bring someone with you to the appointment, such as a family member or close friend.
At the appointment, we will speak to you about the things you have been experiencing and ask you questions about how these have been affecting you; this might include using Patient Reported Outcome Measures. This will help us to understand your needs and how we might be able to help. We may agree that you need to attend more than one appointment.
Mersey Care - Early Interventions
Part 1
David Kenny, family therapist from the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team (EIT) at Mersey Care, introduces a series of brief videos that are designed to help support the families of someone under EIT during the COVID-19 crisis.
Part 2
David Kenny, family therapist from the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team (EIT) at Mersey Care, introduces a series of brief videos that are designed to help support the families of someone under EIT during the COVID-19 crisis.
Part 3
David Kenny, family therapist explores how communication can be a powerful way to help families support each other.
Part 4
Exploring how families solve problems is a common feature of family work in early intervention in psychosis services and David Kenny, family therapist presents one way to find solutions to every day issues.
Part 5
George Harvey, family therapist, runs through stress management ideas that she hopes can be used by all families during the COVID-19 crisis.
Part 6
In this video, the final of six, George Harvey, family therapist, runs through useful contact details for other services and shares links to helpful resources for families to access.