Service available in:

What we do

Sefton community respiratory teams provide a rapid access, specialist service, to help people with a diagnosed respiratory condition including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), bronchiectasis and asthma, to manage their condition and prevent their symptoms getting worse.

We offer a combination of 'early supported discharge' from hospital services, and a 'hospital at home' admittance avoidance service for our respiratory patients. We also offer optimisation reviews either in community clinics or at home for our housebound patients.

Pulmonary rehabilitation classes are delivered in North and South Sefton, these combine education and exercise for respiratory patients in the area. These are delivered from Netherton Activity Centre and Lakeside Christian Centre twice a week.

Sefton community respiratory team has a combination of respiratory specialist nurses, specialist chest physiotherapists and assistant practitioners who are supported by respiratory consultants. The team can provide comprehensive and specialist support for respiratory patients in Sefton.

If you're a GP or health care professional and you'd like to refer a patient into our service, please download the referral form from our GPs and Referrers page HERE.


Early Supported Discharge

This service is for patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD. Patients registered with a Sefton GP who have been admitted to hospital, or who have attended Accident and Emergency or Medical Assessment Unit with an exacerbation of COPD, can be assessed by a Nurse Practitioner to determine whether, with suitable medication, nursing and social support they can be safely cared for at home and have their discharge expedited.

The service operates 8.00am - 8.00pm, 7 days per week and accepts referrals from health professionals within acute hospitals.

The service also offers the below: 

Hospital at Home Service

This service is for patients registered with a Sefton GP who have a confirmed diagnosis of COPD by spirometry with an acute exacerbation of COPD. In particular patients in whom emergency admission to hospital could potentially be avoided by timely assessments and on-going management at home.

Sefton Community Respiratory Team offer a 2 hour response service following acceptance of a referral, which can be accessed through Single Point of Contact Service 0300 323 0240, during the hours 8am - 6pm.

Patients can be referred to the Community Respiratory Team for review by a Specialist Respiratory Specialist Nurse by a GP, Community Matron, Practice Nurse, Walk-In Centre and North West Ambulance Service via SPC (Single Point of Contact) on 0300 323 0240.

COPD Optimisation Appointments

Patients who have been admitted to Aintree University Hospital or Southport and Ormskirk District General Hospital, with an exacerbation of COPD who are not already under a Chest Consultant can be referred for a Community COPD Optimisation review.