Service available in:

Who we are

Our Children in Care nurses are specialists in responding to the health and wellbeing needs of children in care.

  • Carry out routine health assessments (RHA) for children in care who are school age up until their 18th birthday.  Before school age health assessments are completed by our Health Visitor colleagues
  • Complete a Health Journal/Passport for Sefton children from age 16 plus
  • From age 18 until their 25th birthday we provide a signposting service for our care experienced or care leaver young people who were previously cared for by Sefton.

Our service is for Sefton children up until the age of 18 who are in care, and up until age 25 for those who are care experienced or care leavers. A child who has been in the care of their local authority for more than 24 hours is known as a looked after child.

Who we work with

GPs, social care, schools, health visitors, school nurse and voluntary agencies amongst others.

What will happen at your first appointment

You will be allocated a nurse who will contact you and/or your carer to introduce themselves and assess your health needs.

Our team carry out health assessments for children in care who:

  • Are school age up until their 18th birthday. Before school age health assessments are completed by our Health Visitor colleagues
  • From age 18 until their 25th Birthday we provide a signposting service for our care experienced or care leavers.

Our role also includes:

  • Coordination of initial health assessment (IHA) and routine health assessment (RHA) for Sefton children in care (CIC) living in and out of the borough
  • We also coordinate the IHA for CIC who are in the care of other local authorities when requested
  • Complete routine RHA of Sefton children we case manage.  This would include Sefton children living out of borough still attending a Sefton School
  • Complete RHA for children who are cared for by other local authorities who are living in Sefton and registered with a Sefton GP
  • Quality assurance of all RHA completed by our team and other teams
  • Partnership working with social care, school and other agencies
  • Providing training to social care, foster carer and health colleagues regarding health outcomes for CIC
  • Attend meetings to improve outcomes for CIC and care leavers
  • Attend local Children in Care Councils to capture the voice of CIC
  • Provide advice, support to partners and make referral when required to securing health outcomes for CIC.