Service available in:

Talking Therapies is a free NHS service for adults (16 plus) registered with a St Helens GP who want to learn how to overcome common mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. ​

What do we offer? ​

  • We provide an initial telephone assessment to determine if our service is the right fit for each person's needs
  • We follow National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines and offer information to help individuals understand their difficulties better
  • We encourage patients to engage in short courses offered in group settings or therapist-supported online packages
  • If symptoms persist, we will review further treatment options and discuss the next steps with each individual. ​

How do people access Talking Therapies? ​

  • Individuals can refer themselves through our website Talking Therapies St Helens service page or by calling their local service, St Helens: 01744 415 650
  • Our service is available Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm
  • Spreading awareness about our service and how to contact us is the first helpful step. ​

When should I suggest Talking Therapies? ​

  • It is best to suggest Talking Therapies as early as possible, research shows that early support leads to better outcomes. ​
  • Learning self-management techniques early on can help prevent difficulties from worsening. ​

Is there anyone who may not benefit from Talking Therapies? ​

  • It is generally recommended to avoid engaging in multiple types of therapy simultaneously, as it can hinder recovery
  • If someone is already receiving help elsewhere, they should consider completing that first before seeking our services
  • Individuals accessing specialised mental health services for severe or enduring mental health problems should continue with their existing support
  • We do not provide crisis or immediate care support. ​In emergencies, individuals should contact their GP, call 111, or reach out to the Samaritans on 116 123 or present at A&E/call 999. ​

What if I have someone in mind, but I think they will struggle to access Talking Therapies? ​

  • If someone is unable to have an initial telephone conversation, we can arrange a face-to-face session
  • If someone cannot make a self-referral, you can use our website and clearly state any accessibility needs. ​

If you need more information about our service, please contact us St Helens: 01744 415 650 ​