Post micturition or ‘after-dribble’ means the loss of a few drops of urine after the main stream, when the bladder appears to be empty. It usually happens just as the penis is being replaced and garments rearranged, and then the trousers get wet and stained. Some men find that, despite waiting and shaking, it remains a problem. It happens because the urethra (the tube from the bladder to the tip of the penis) is not being emptied completely by the muscle surrounding it. A pool of urine collects in the urethra.
Use the following technique known as urethral milking:
- Pass urine in the usual manner, and then wait for a few seconds to allow the bladder to empty
- Place the fingertips of your hand about three finger widths behind your scrotum and press gently (see point ‘A’ on the diagram)
- Still applying pressure, bring your fingers forward towards the base of your penis, under the scrotum. (See the ‘direction arrow’ on the diagram)
- This pushes the urine forward into the penile urethra from where it can be emptied by shaking or squeezing in the usual way
- Repeat this process twice to ensure that the urethra is completely empty
- This technique can be practised at home
- When in a public toilet it would be better to use a cubicle; it can then be done discreetly, with a hand inside a trouser pocket. It only takes a few seconds and will avoid the problem of stained trousers.
Pelvic floor exercises
Contract the pelvic floor muscle by contracting the muscle around your anus as if you were trying to stop passing. This acts as a post void ‘squeeze out’ or ‘post void milking mechanism’ forcing any trapped and pooled urine in this area down the urethra