Service available in:

The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) service is provided in Halton, Knowsley and Sefton for adults.  

Our team is made up of staff from a range of medical and nursing backgrounds.

We support patients moving to adult service from community paediatrics and Child and Young People’s Mental Health Services as well as providing a comprehensive assessment and diagnostic service for adults referred by their GP.

We have strong links locally with other organisations that offer additional support for families of patients with ADHD.

Our service is for adults with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). We also support young people with ADHD who are moving from child and young people’s mental health services into adult services. 

We accept referrals for people who have already been diagnosed with ADHD, as well as people who think they may have ADHD but have not been formally diagnosed yet.

If you think you would benefit from a referral to our Adult ADHD Service, make an appointment to see your GP.

When you see your GP, they will be asked to complete a referral form into the ADHD service. Following this, you will be sent questionnaire packs which you will need to return back to the ADHD service to help us to triage. 

Your first appointment will be a screening assessment. This will identify the best pathway for your care. You will either be offered an appointment for a diagnostic assessment, review of medications and/or the psychosocial interventions with group work. 

If you are asked to attend for an appointment, it may take a couple of hours. It can help if you bring a family member or friend who knows you well to your first appointment but it's up to you if you want to bring someone with you or not.

At the end of this appointment, we will usually be able to decide whether you have a diagnosis of ADHD or not. If we aren't able to reach a diagnosis, you may need to come back for a follow-up appointment.

You will then be offered our psychosocial groups which will help you manage your ADHD symptoms.

As people with ADHD can often have other related mental health problems, our team works closely with local mental health services such as our assessment teams, home treatment teams, recovery teams and the autistic spectrum condition service. Depending on your needs, we can also signpost or refer patients to other services such as psychological therapies, substance misuse, housing and social services. 

We also work closely with child and young people’s mental health services help those moving from children's services into adults' services.

Centre for Autism, Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Intellectual Disability (CANDDID) videos

People may wish to watch some videos produced by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust with the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity for practical information and advice. These are available to view free of charge from the Centre for Autism, Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Intellectual Disability (CANDDID)

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