Service available in:
Who we are
Child and Young People's Mental Health Services - sometimes known as CAMHS - support children and young people up to age 18 with their emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
When we talk about your mental health, we mean how you feel and how you cope with the things going on in your life. This could be connected to anything from school, your friends or even your family life. If you feel you aren’t coping too well with the ups and downs of life, it may be that you need some support to help you manage them better.
If you do need help, we will work together with you and your family to decide what support you need to have good mental health and wellbeing. Their aim is to help young people get the support they need to tackle any problems early on before they get worse, and to act quickly if they do.
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Halton Borough Council, local schools, school nurses, social services and other local organisations all work closely together to provide services across Halton, to make sure you can access the right support, in the right place and at the right time.
If you have any questions you can call us on 01928 568 162. Your parents or carers can also call us too if they’d like to speak to someone.
We also accept referrals from other health professionals who may be working with you, such as your GP, health visitor, school nurse or social worker. If you are a health professional and would like to make a referral for one of your patients, visit the health professionals section of our website to download the referral form.
HeadzUp Halton
Watch our video around what to expect when coming for an assessment within our service.
Practical information
Our Halton Community Team is based at Thorn Road Clinic in Runcorn. Thorn Road Clinic has free parking for staff and visitors.
The sessions are for children and young people who use mental health services at Mersey Care.
Monthly sessions are part of care and treatment and completely free.
We use animal sessions to help young people relax, socialise, communicate, and learn social skills that can help you recover or help you to cope with ongoing mental health symptoms. It’s a very relaxing and enjoyable session which can have a positive effect on your wellbeing and resilience.
The sessions are put together by the Home Safari Animal Assisted Therapy Service in partnership with Mersey Care and have already had a significant impact on the patients, including:
- One young person struggling with social anxiety has started to engage well after attending only three of the animal therapy sessions
- Another also benefitted from the sessions with their parent saying: “My child’s tics reduced, almost stopped during the session"
- A third child with multiple complex needs is now able to tolerate being around a large group of people, including other children, which is something they have never been able to do previously after just a few sessions with the animals.
One parent told us this is the happiest day of their week.
You can drop in, there is no need to book, and each group has around 12 to 15 people. You will be able to interact with animals, which may involve holding, petting and grooming. There is a wide range of animals from rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and other critters, there is an animal for everyone, and you’re under no pressure to take part.
At the sessions we might also ask you some questions about how we can improve our services. The group has a theme each month that we talk about.
Contact us for more information 01928 568 162.
Headz Up Halton drop-in hub
An informal drop-in café where young people up to 18 years, parents and carers can drop by to speak with a mental health professional for assessment, advice and signposting to local services.
Tuesdays 2.30pm to 4.30pm at The Hub, Grangeway Community Centre, Runcorn, WA7 5HA Thursdays 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Warrington Road Childrens’ Centre, Widnes WA8 0BS
For children and young people to directly access support and therapy for mental health difficulties from professionals, with a supportive community of other young people. Website - Home - Kooth Telephone 0203 398 9048.
Mental Health in Schools Team (MHST)
Provides direct support to children and young people with mental health needs in most primary and secondary schools across Halton and Widnes. Telephone 01925 664 120 Email mcn-tr
Woodview Child Development Centre, Widnes
Provides assessments of children and young people who have neurodevelopmental concerns, including social communication difficulties (ASC) and problems with attention, concentration and impulsivity (ADHD) – referral form here
The neurodevelopmental nursing team at Woodview provide support to 0-19 year olds and their families with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder and ADHD. Here is further neurodevelopmental nursing team information
ADDvanced Solutions
Provides support for those with neurodevelopmental conditions (pre, during and post-diagnosis), such as ASC, ADHD, sensory processing difficulties and specific learning difficulties.
They provide tools, skills and a supportive network for families with neurodevelopmental conditions. This currently includes a Neurodevelopmental Conditions Family Learning Programme, and a Community Network group with sessions chosen by attendees, including Introduction to ADHD, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Jargon Buster, Supporting Communication Difficulties and Neurodevelopmental Conditions and Anxiety. email info
Free counselling and therapy services for young people in Halton area
Think Therapy, Widnes
Offer counselling and psychotherapy for young people, children and adults, including CBT, EMDR (trauma therapy) and counselling for up to 6 sessions. Contact details and further information here.
Offers free counselling sessions, support and advice to young people age 17+ with gender dysphoria, who are on a waiting list for the national gender incongruence service. More information and self-referral here.
RASASC (Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre)
Offers support and therapy to young people who have experienced rape or sexual abuse, including pre-trial therapy to a victim or witness while the criminal justice process is ongoing, and a trial may be possible.
They offer a trauma-informed approach to therapy.
Sessions usually take place weekly and occur on the same day and time each week. They offer a variety of days, times and locations.
They offer drop-in facilities across Cheshire and Merseyside to provide practical and emotional support.
RASAC provides monthly support groups in community-based locations.
They accept self-referrals as well as referrals from other agencies.
Website –
Email – support
Helpline – 0330 363 0063
Support for children and young people who have suffered a bereavement, or when someone is not expected to live. Halton
Helpline – 0800 02 888 40
Live chat –
Email – Helpline
Drug and Alcohol services
Drug and Alcohol Youth Support
The service is for those under 18, living in Halton, and worried about either drug or alcohol use or someone else's. Referral through Early Help.
Provide expert advice on drugs and alcohol – the effect of substance misuse and the harm it can cause.
They also work with other agencies to ensure young people receive the best package of support.
Telephone – 0151 907 8305
Monday to Thursday – 9 to 5
Friday – 9 to 4
Young We Are With You – Provides support for young people aged 10-19 years with drugs, alcohol and mental health. Further information and referral here.
Services and support for ASC
ChAPs (Cheshire Autism Practical Support) Provides free training and workshops for parents of children and young people with ASC. Organises a range of activities for children, including therapeutic activities and group trips in school holidays.
Link here for further information.
Dynamic Key Worker Service
The dynamic key worker service is a new project led by NHS England’s long term plan which states by 2023/24 children and young people with a learning disability and/or who are autistic with complex needs will have a designated keyworker.
Keyworker support will be provided to children and young people up to age 25 years with a learning disability and/or autism who are registered on the dynamic support database and who are inpatients or are at risk of being admitted to a mental health hospital.
Referrals can be requested via email – handw
Telephone – 01925 303440
Communicate SLT Services
Provides Speech and Language Therapy services for all young people in Halton and Widnes up to age 19 years. Continue up to 26 years for young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) or if Speech, Language and Communication needs are identified in their Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP).
See their website for further information about their services and to make a referral.
Halton Council Services
Halton Local Offer – the website provides support and a range of services and resources for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Halton Family Hubs - brings lots of services together in one place, making it easier to find information and services. They are for parents, carers, grand-parents, babies, children, teenagers and young adults. They offer groups, activities and support sessions.
Website –
Email – familyhubs
Telephone 0303 333 4300
Health Improvement Team – a range of initiatives designed to improve health and wellbeing for children in Halton. Includes Halton Healthy Early Years, Healthy Schools, Fit4Life, Triple P Positive Parenting Programme. More information here.
SENDIASS (Special Education Needs and Disability Information and Advice Support Services)
Offers advice, guidance and support for parents and carers of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disability. Further information here.
Halton Educational Psychology Service – aims to bring positive change for children and young people where there are concerns about their learning, behaviour, emotional well-being or mental health. Information available here.
Halton Carers Centre
Support young carers aged 5 to 18 who provide help and ongoing support to a family member or friend who has a long-term illness, is disabled, or misuse drugs and alcohol.
They offer information, advice, trips and activities, young carer groups, training, carer break funding, relaxation therapies, family trips, and advocacy.
** Parent/Carer ADHD ZOOM – Monthly group for parents/carers of a young person under 25 who has or is awaiting a diagnosis of ADHD. Call 01928 580182 or email tracey
Telephone – 01928 580182
Email – help
Website –
Monday to Friday: 10am to 4pm
Saturday: 10am to 1pm
Citizen’s advice Halton – Family Support Service
Helps families with a range of advice, support and advocacy needs. Provides information around benefits and applications. Advice around money worries and support managing your household bills. Support with accessing help with food and fuel. Offers employment advice
Telephone – 0151 257 2449
Email – advice
Website –
Parenting Programmes
Support for victims of abuse in Halton
Protects children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse.
Supports women, young women and their children in developing their potential, recognising their choices, achieving their goals and challenging injustice.
Venus offers both a course and one to one support in the community focusing on promoting good home conditions.
They provide a wellbeing group that provides a safe and comfortable place to talk
They provide drop-ins on the first Wednesday of each month between 9:30 and 12:30 at Trinity Church in Widnes and every other Wednesday between 10 and 2 at the old police station in Runcorn.
They offer an after-school club during term time only.
Can refer to services by visiting the website.
Website –
Telephone – 01928 573 265
Halton Domestic Abuse Service
Halton Domestic Abuse service available 24/7 - 0300 11 11 247.
Concerns regarding an adult you think they may be subject to abuse – ring Halton Borough Council Adult Social Care Services – 0151 907 8306.
Vibe – Programmes in Halton
Good Choices – Funded by Cheshire Police. Vibes Good Choices intervention is a crime prevention programme designed to work with young people across Runcorn, Warrington and Widnes that have been in trouble with the police, at risk of committing a crime, or they are/have been involved in anti-social behaviours.
Positive Vibes Programme – Funded by Cheshire Police. Vibe PVP works with young people to build learning and resilience to make informed positive life choices. Open to young people aged 13-17 years from across Runcorn and Widnes who have been in trouble with the police, at risk of committing a crime. PVP is a 6-day informal educational, skills and relationships program.
Short Breaks Group – Funded by Halton Borough Council. Vibes Saturday club is a fortnightly session in both Widnes and Runcorn for young people between 12 and 17 years who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and live within the Halton Borough. An activity and friendship group for young people in Halton.
Vibe outdoors – Sports short breaks – Funded by Halton Council, Short Breaks Grant. Vibe outdoor short breaks in Halton are monthly sessions involving a range of indoor and outdoor activities chosen by young people. Between ages 8 – 17 years old and have special educational needs and/or disabilities and live within the Halton Bourough.
The junior sessions is available for young people aged 8 – 11 and takes place 9.30 – 12:30.
The youth club session is available for young people aged 12 – 17 years and takes place 1:30 – 4:30.
Halton Youth Cabinet – Funded by Halton Council. Halton Youth Cabinet and Uk Youth Parliamnet members are young people aged 11 – 18 years, elected to represent the views of young people across Halton, locally, regionally and nationally. Meet on the 2nd and 4th of each month in Widnes and Runcorn. Contact – 07920227607.
Targeted outreach provision – Funded by Halton Council. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening between 7 and 9pm, vibe youth workers engage with young people from Widnes and Runcorn offering age-appropriate engaging interventions, in their communities across public spaces.
Inclusive Needs Club – Funded by Halton Council – INC is a youth group with sessions for young people aged 17-25 with special education needs. Sessions take place on Friday from 5pm – 7pm. Young people enter INC via referral.
Where’s your head at? – Funded by The Arconic Foundation. WYHA? Is a twelve-week project focusing on improving the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 11-16. It is designed for young people to learn skills and coping strategies to support their mental health.
Detached Youth Club – Hallwood Park and Palacefields – Funded by Riverside. Every Thursday between 5 p.m. and 6:30, vibe youth workers engage with young people in both locations providing structured youth clubs “without the walls”.
Detached Youth Club – Windmill Hill – Funded by Windmill Hill Big Local. Every Friday between 4:30pm - 6:30pm, vibe youth workers engage with young people in both locations providing structured youth clubs “without the walls”.
Telephone – 0151 673 0500
Email – hello
Website –
Pause – Halton and Knowsley Team
Work to improve the lives of women who have had – or are at risk of having – more than one child removed from their care, and the services and systems that affect them.
They offer an intensive, supportive 18 month programme that involves a trusting relationship between a woman and their pause practitioner.
Telephone – 020 3011 1949
Website –
Got Your Back
Support to anyone under 18 in Cheshire who has been a victim of crime
Website - Home - Got Your Back (