Many people believe they need to be 100% better or pain free before returning to work. With most musculoskeletal conditions and depending on your job role this is not necessarily the case. Returning to work and getting used to your normal activity is part of your rehabilitation and will aid your recovery. Experiencing some pain as you return to your usual activities can be completely normal.

Continue with all exercises and advice

Keep going with your exercises even once you have returned to work as it will continue to aid your recovery and reduce the risk of any flare up of symptoms.

Change any aspect of your working environment that may be aggravating your condition. For example, your workstation may not be set up correctly or you may be spending too long on a specific task or lifting incorrectly.

Sometimes, making small changes can significantly improve your condition. Dependant on your type of job, please look at our desk based jobs section or non-desk based jobs.

Speak with your manager

If you have been off work for a while, it may help to return to work gradually. Your manager may be able to help support a phased return to work or offer some reasonable adjustments to support you for a short period as you return to work.

See our making changes at work page for more advice. Once you have returned to work, talk with your manager regularly about how you are managing.   

If you felt you were unable to manage your musculoskeletal condition in work and as result have had to have some time off, it is important to follow the tips below to ensure you can settle your symptoms and return to work when ready.

Early advice

It is important that you get the right advice about your condition to help settle your symptoms. See our pages for specific advice about different conditions.

Stay active

Many people who are absent from work feel they should be resting at home. With all musculoskeletal conditions it is important to stay as active as you possibly can within the limits of your symptoms, this will help your recovery. 

We encourage activity little and often, try short walks on a daily basis and continue as much as you can with activities at home such as cleaning. Try and keep up your physical activity, for further information on how to do this visit the physical activity page on our website.

Keep in touch with your manager

It is important to keep in touch with your manager; it helps to have open conversations about your condition and recovery. If your organisation has an Occupational Health department you may require a referral to offer further support. Regular conversations with your manager will also help plan your return to work.

How we can help

We provide musculoskeletal physiotherapy services in St Helens and Knowsley. If you have symptoms that aren't settling despite following the advice on these pages, visit our service pages for information about what we offer and how to refer yourself to the service. 

Many people continue to struggle in work with a musculoskeletal condition without asking for help. This can lead to the problem becoming worse and then may result in time absent from work. Often with earlier intervention taking time off can be avoided.

If you find you have a musculoskeletal condition and are struggling in work, try these useful tips to help.

Changing your work environment

Could there be something in your work environment that is aggravating your condition? Your workstation may not be set up correctly, you may be spending too long on a specific task or lifting incorrectly.

Sometimes, making small changes can significantly improve your condition. Dependant on your type of job, please look in our desk based jobs section or non-desk based jobs.

Speak with your manager

Having open and honest conversations with your manager will be helpful. Your manager may be able to offer advice or put some reasonable adjustments in place to help support you, see our
making changes at work page for more information.

If your organisation has an Occupational Health Department, your manager may be able to refer you there for more support if required.

How we can help

Early physiotherapy advice and exercises can help you understand what you should be doing to help your condition. You can see our musculoskeletal conditions pages for specific advice for each condition.

We provide musculoskeletal physiotherapy services in St Helens and Knowsley. If you have symptoms that aren't settling despite following the advice on these pages, visit our service pages for information about what we offer and how to refer yourself to the service. 

Disclaimer: The content on this page is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant to replace a physiotherapy or medical consultation.

While we may include links to other websites, the Trust is not responsible for the content of any external sites, nor should selection be seen as an endorsement.