On this page…
You have been discharged from the memory service at Hollins Park. If you are on medication and are not already receiving this from your GP, you will have been given information on how to order it.
Should you be worried about a change in your presentation, please look at the information in this leaflet. Your first point of call should always be your GP. However, if you or your GP feels you would benefit from further assessment by the memory service your GP can refer you.
You will continue to have access to:
Warrington Wellbeing Service
Phone: 01925 248 460
Email: warringtonwellbeing@warrington.gov.uk
Alzheimer’s Society
Phone: 0151 420 8010
Other useful numbers and websites:
GP out of hours service – Warrington
Phone: 111
Wired adult carers advice line
Phone: 01925 633 492
Access to social care, phone: 01925 444 239,
out of hours: 01925 444 400
CareAware helpline, phone: 0300 303 385
My life Warrington, phone: 01925 443 131
Email: 131mylife@warrington.gov.uk
What to do if …
You experience:
- Changes in your mood/personality/ behaviour
- Increased agitation/anxiety
1. Check your physical health
Are you unwell or do you have an infection?
- Urine/chest
- Have you a long term condition that requires review?
Are you?
- Constipated
- In pain
Has there been any recent changes to?
- Your medication and are you taking your medication as prescribed?
2. Check your psychological wellbeing
Is the cause of your agitation/distress environmental?
- Are you bored or is the environment too stimulating and/or noisy for you?
Has anything happened that may have affected your mood or behaviour?
- Changes in your personal circumstances?
- Bereavement/loss?
If the answer is yes to any of the above consider the following:
- Do you need to seek medical assistance?
- Do you need to adjust the care and support you receive?
Contact your GP or social services. In an emergency call 999.
For more information contact
Later Life and Memory Service
Beckett Unit
Hollins Park Hospital
Hollins Lane
Tel: 01925 664 041
Our patients matter
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust listens and responds to patients and their carers to help improve the services we deliver.
If you have any comments,compliments or concerns you can speak with a member of staff or contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Team.
Telephone: 0151 471 2377
Freephone: 0800 328 2941
Email: palsandcomplaints
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building, Kings Business Park, Prescot L34 1PJ
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