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An integrated mental health service offer
Who are we?
We are a community-based psychosocial intervention service and we work closely with GPs, secondary mental health services and other services across Liverpool.
Aims of the service
Our aim is to help you to understand and manage the difficulties you face in your life
- We will be compassionate, respectful and understanding towards you and your experience
- We will support you to understand how things became problematic for you and we will help you to develop skills that will enable you to take \some positive steps forward
- We hope that the understanding and skills that you develop will positively impact on your daily life
- We will work within your community and alongside other services and support networks.
Can I access support?
We offer support to anyone aged 18 years and over. We offer support to people who might experience mental health problems where support might not be available through other local mental health services.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
When accessing mental health services, we are aware of the difficulties experienced by people from black, Asian and mixed backgrounds, and other minoritised ethnic groups, including refugees and those seeking asylum. We therefore work closely with underrepresented communities in Liverpool to increase our knowledge and understanding of the challenges people face, and adapt our service to reduce and overcome the barriers identified.
The support we offer is tailored to each individual, and we aim to provide a culturally responsive service to meet the needs of people from various cultural and religious backgrounds. Through this, we hope to create a therapeutic setting of mutual trust and respect in which everyone feels heard, valued and understood. We are committed to improving our service and welcome your feedback.
When are we open?
We are open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.
How do I access the service?
Many people are referred to our service by their GP or another health professional. If you would like to know more about our service you can contact your GP or speak to your health professional.What can I expect
- You may be offered an initial psychology assessment appointment with a member of the team which will last approximately 60 minute
- If you have received an assessment with another Mersey Care service, you may be offered a briefer appointment to avoid you having to retell your story in full agai
- Following your appointment, we will develop a care plan together. During this we will agree what a successful outcome would look like for you, and how we might be able to support you to work towards this. We would also discuss with you what might happen if this was not achieved within an agreed timescale.
What if it’s not the right service for me?
Sometimes psychological therapy may not be the most appropriate option or we may not be the most appropriate service to meet your needs at that time. If this is the case we will explain our reasons for this. We will then help to signpost you to other services, support networks or interventions tha\t we believe are more helpful based on your current needs.
What will happen after?
After your final team session, you will be invited to a review to discuss whether you feel you require further support, and if so, what this might look like. However, you may feel that you can continue working towards your goals independently and don’t need any more input from the team.
Your feedback
We are keen to hear your feedback about the service. Please contact us to tell us about your experience of using our service and ways in which we could improve what we offer.
Email: StepForwardTeam@merseycare.nhs.uk
Local services
Urgent Mental Health Support Line: Free phone 0800 145 6570 (available 24/7).
Samaritans: Website or phone 116 123.
Papyrus: Website or phone 0800 068 4141 (9am to midnight).
YPAS (for people aged 5-25): Website or phone 0151 707 1025.
Life Rooms: Website or phone 0151 478 6556.
Live well directory: Website.
Citizens Advice Bureau: Phone 0344 848 7700 or visit the Website.
Liverpool City Council: Website.
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
V7 Building, Kings Business Park
Prescot, L34 1PJ
Tel: 0151 473 0303
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