Welcome to the media centre. All media enquiries are handled by our communications team.

If you have an enquiry, or would like to film or take photographs at our sites, please contact the team on 0151 471 2336 or email communications@merseycare.nhs.uk. Please note: We do not accept referrals through this inbox. For referral information, visit our services pages.

If your enquiry is outside of office hours call 0151 473 0303 (Switchboard) and you will be directed to our out of hours on call.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Requests for filming should be directed to team at communications@merseycare.nhs.uk

We are increasingly bringing our services to 'life' through the use of film, you are welcome to view them but the following films are copyright only and unauthorised copying or duplication of them without prior consent is not permitted. 

View our films and learn more about our services, campaigns and some of the inspirational people in our community.