Our finance department manages the trust budget. Please follow the link to contact the member of our team who can best help you:
If you are a service user or patient and you need help with a financial transaction or benefits, call: 0151 471 2466 / 0151 472 4065
If you are a supplier or contractor and are awaiting payment of an invoice: Tel: 0151 471 2282 / 0151 471 2266.
If you want to pay an invoice to the trust:
0151 471 2339 / 2658
0151 330 6488 / 7350
0151 295 7022
For general enquiries:
Tel: 0151 472 4000
For payroll enquiries:
Mid Mersey Division colleagues: MidMerseyPayroll
You can write to our financial services team at trust offices:
Hollins Park House
Hollins Lane