The tutorial videos on the activities of daily living resources page have been developed to support you or your child with some of the activities we carry out as part of daily living.The advice in the videos is not intended to replace specialist or individualised advice given by your occupational therapist.If you're having difficulty with auditory sensitivity, try the tutorials with no background music to help your child concentrate and have no distraction.
We have video tutorials for:
- Tying shoe laces
- Cutlery skills
- Hand, finger and forearm strengthening exercises
This information does not replace Dietetic advice, please speak to your Healthcare Professional if you need to speak to a Dietitian, please see here for information on the Community Dietetics Service in St Helens and Knowsley.
General nutrition information
The following resources can provide general nutrition information for children.
Allergy information
For children who have confirmed food allergies or are suspected of having food allergies the following resources are available.
The following leaflets provide useful information regarding food allergies, diagnosis and management.
- Food Allergy and Food Intolerance - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Food Allergy and Food Intolerance Testing - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Food Allergy | Allergy UK | National Charity
- An introduction to food hypersensitivity - Infant and toddler forum
- The management of food hypersensivity - Infant and toddler forum
The factsheet below provides useful information about common dietary problems affecting people with autism and how dietitians can help.
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
These links will provide further information about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). If your child does not have a diagnosis of ARFID but you feel they have some of the symptoms, these links will give you more information and can support future discussions with your GP regarding your concerns.
These resources include information about weaning and further information about breastfeeding. There is also a resource for specific advice for weaning premature babies.
- Complementary feeding (weaning) - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Nutrition for babies - British Nutrition Foundation
- Baby - NHS Start for Life
- Weaning your premature baby
The leaflet in the link below has useful information about calcium including how much calcium different people need, good sources of calcium from the food we eat and how to increase the calcium in your child’s diet.
Children and young people
The following resources contain information to support good nutrition for children and young people including why a healthy diet is important and key nutrients for your child’s diet, maintaining a healthy weight and fluid recommendations.
- Nutrition for children - British Nutrition Foundation
- Healthy eating for children - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Nutrition for teenagers - British Nutrition Foundation
Cow’s milk protein allergy
The links below give advice on cow’s milk protein allergy, how to manage and how a dietitian might help. It also explains the difference between cow’s milk protein allergy and lactose intolerance.
- Milk allergy - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Cow's Milk Allergy | Allergy UK | National Charity
Useful resources if your child has constipation.
- Constipation in children - NHS
- Constipation in toddlers - Infant and toddler forum
- Children’s bowels - ERIC
Fussy eating
These websites provide information regarding fussy eating with some tips to manage fussy eating in children and how to create a positive mealtime experience for your child. Resources are appropriate for toddlers and older children.
- Fussy eaters - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Fussy eaters - NHS
- Fussy and faddy eating in toddlers archives - Infant and toddler forum
- Top Tips for Fussy Eating | HENRY
Gastrointestinal conditions
Coeliac Disease
The following websites are excellent sources of information if your child has been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and has been advised to follow a gluten free diet.
- Coeliac disease and gluten-free diet - British Dietetic Association (BDA)
- Home - Coeliac UK
- Coeliac disease - NHS
The leaflet below provides information regarding Irritable Bowel Syndrome with management strategies.
Lactose Intolerance
This website provides information about lactose intolerance including what the symptoms are, which foods contain lactose and possible investigations your GP might consider when diagnosing lactose intolerance.
Nutrient specific information
The leaflet in the link below has useful information regarding Iron deficiency and how to increase iron in your child’s diet.
These resources on the links below provide nutritional information specific including portion sizes for toddlers, recipe and meal ideas for toddlers and fluid recommendations for toddlers.
Your occupational therapist may have directed you to the resources on this webpage to support yours or your child's needs.
Sensory strategies and advice for babies
For children under two years old, we have the following advice leaflet, to support parents with ideas to support sensory development. Download the sensory strategies and advice for babies booklet.
Sensory seedling programme (age two to 11)
Children over two years old or in primary education will need to complete the seedlings programme, this is a pre-referral to our Sunflower parents sensory training. Download the sensory seedlings programme for age two to 11.
Sensory seedling programme (high school age)
Our sensory seedlings programme for high school aged children and teenagers offers advice and a simple programme to follow before referring for sensory processing difficulties. Download the sensory seedling programme for high school age young people and teenagers.
Your physiotherapist may have directed you to this webpage to access leaflets relating to yours or your child's physiotherapy needs.
Toe walking leaflet
This leaflet explains tip toe walking, some causes and shares exercises and advice to work on changing your child's walking pattern. Download the toe walking leaflet here.
Sever's disease (heel pain)
This leaflet shared information and advice about Sever's disease (heel pain) which can be in one or both heels. This leaflet explains what Severs disease is and shares ways to manage the symptoms. Download the Sever's leaflet here.
Osgood Schlatters disease (knee pain)
This leaflet gives advice Osgood Schlatters (knee pain), can be in one or both knees. This leaflet explains ways to help manage the symptoms. Download the Osgood Schlatters disease leaflet here.
Awake time ideas
This leaflet gives practical advice to help you support your infant's early motor development. It is beneficial for infants born prematurely or infants born at term but displaying signs of developmental delay. Download the awake time ideas leaflet here.
Flat feet in children
This leaflet gives advice on what flat feet are, what can cause it and if treatment is needed. It is for parents who are concerned about their child's flat feet. Download the flat feet in children leaflet here.
This leaflet gives advice on what a head preference and plagiocephaly is (altered head shape, favouring one side). It shares practical advice for parents to help prevent it and prevent it from worsening. Download the plagiocephaly leaflet here.
In-toe walking gait
This leaflet shares advice and information about what in-toe walking is and the causes of it. It also shares practical advice for helping your child if they in-toe when walking. Download the intoeing gait leaflet here.
Physical development - lying to sitting
This leaflet gives practical advice on how to promote and encourage your child in their development of posture and movement. It is for parents who want to help their child develop well and progress from lying down to sitting. Download the physical development lying to sitting leaflet here.
Symptomatic hypermobility
This leaflet gives advice about what hypermobility is, what symptoms to look out for and practical ways to help your child if they are symptomatic. It is for parents who are concerned about their child. Download the symptomatic hypermobility leaflet here.