Low back pain

What is low back pain?

Low back pain is soreness or stiffness in the back, between the bottom of the rib cage and the top of the legs. 

In most people the pain is very unlikely to be caused by anything serious but may be due to a range of factors, including poor posture and muscle strains. 

Most single episodes of low back pain (75 to 90 per cent) recover within six weeks of onset.

The level of pain can vary from person to person, ranging from a niggle to more persistent aching or pain. The main symptoms include:

  • Pain in the low back, buttocks or bottom of the rib cage
  • Stiffness or difficulty bending / moving your lower back


  • Keep moving

Your back is designed to move, studies show that longer periods of rest and avoiding activity actually leads to more pain, longer recovery times and longer time off from work

  • Keep living and working normally
  • Avoid bed rest during the day
  • Exercise

This might make your back feel a bit sore at first but it doesn’t cause any harm. Start off slowly and gradually increase the amount you do. Over time, your back will get stronger and more flexible and this should reduce your pain

  • Don’t sit down for too long
  • Don’t be afraid to take simple painkillers in order to return to your usual routine

Painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen or anti inflammatory gels may be helpful to control the pain and allow you to continue exercising. Discuss this with your GP or pharmacist

  • Stay active and remember to reintroduce activities

Low back pain is rarely a sign of a serious problem, however if you experience the following complaints you should seek urgent help via your nearest emergency department for urgent assessment: 

  • Not knowing when your bladder or bowel are full or empty or loss of sensation when you pass urine or stool
  • Inability to pass urine when you feel the need to go 
  • Inability to stop a bowel motion or leaking
  • Loss feeling or pins and needles in your genital area. Numbness in or around your back passage, buttocks or between your inner thighs
  • A change in ability to get an erection
  • If you have pain in both legs and / or worsening weakness in the legs


Low back pain may be caused by a sprain of a ligament or muscle or it may be due to a minor problem with the disc, joints or other soft tissues structures in the lower back.

It is usually impossible to say exactly where the pain is coming from, or exactly what is causing the pain.

To some people, not knowing the exact cause of the pain is unsettling. However, what we do know is that the majority of people with low back pain do not have a serious problem or disease of the back or spine and that about 80 per cent of people experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime.

Diagnosis is usually made from the patient’s history and a simple examination if required. Tests such as MRI scans

Some people may also experience sciatica (also called nerve root or radicular pain). This is pain coming from a nerve in the spine and symptoms may include:

are rarely needed for pain localised to the low back area only and may be advised only if there are symptoms to suggest that there may be a serious underlying cause for the symptoms.

  • Pain into the legs
  • Tingling pins and needles or numbness in the legs

Start by exercising gradually and build up over time.

As with any physical activity it is normal to feel some discomfort or aching in your muscles after exercising but  you should stop if you get any joint pain that does not go away quickly. 

If you have any questions about exercising, ask your GP or physiotherapist.


  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyles increase the risk of developing pain and can also delay your recovery. Being active for 30 minutes in your day can make a big difference in your overall health and improve your pain.

Further management options

If there is no response to the self management information above please seek further advice from a physiotherapist or health professional.