Date published: 25 January 2023

Mersey Care has launched a new campaign to help better inform residents about when they should attend one of their Walk-in Centres located across Liverpool, Knowsley and South Sefton.

Demand at this time of year places an incredible strain on services, which is why its vital patients choose the correct service for their health care needs.

Lee McMenamy, Mersey Care’s Divisional Director for Community Care, said: “Our Walk-in Centres are a valuable community resource and are open from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week to provide treatment for minor injuries and illnesses.

“However they're part of a wider package of healthcare services that are under increasing pressure. That’s why we’re encouraging everyone to choose well, and if you're in any doubt about which service to access, please visit NHS 111 online.”

The new campaign highlights different examples why patients should attend a Walk-in Centre, including: 

  • minor burns and scalds
  • eye infections and injuries
  • allergic reactions
  • minor cuts and wounds
  • Muscle or joint injuries (e.g. sprains and strains)


WIC muscle and joint injuries.png

During the festive period, Walk-in Centres averaged 743 attendees a day, excluding Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, with the average triage time just 30 minutes and 88 percent of those who attended were discharged within four hours. Over the winter period last year, nearly 150,000 people attended the Walk-in Centres, with some seeing double the number of patients than in previous years.

If anyone is in any doubt about the service they require, they should contact NHS 111 online as a first priority, to get assessed and directed to the right place for their health care needs. NHS111 can also make appointments for you at your local Walk-in Centre.