Date published: 17 May 2021


May 17 marks the anniversary of when the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1990. It constitutes an annual landmark to draw the attention of decision makers, the media, the public, opinion leaders and local authorities to the stigma and discrimination faced by those who identify as LGBTQ+

What is IDAHOBIT and what does it mean?

IDAHOBIT day was created in 2004 to highlight the violence, discrimination and repression experienced by LGBTQ+ people all over the world. Designed to get the attention of politicians, world leaders, the media and public to have their voices and stories heard, it is celebrated in over 130 countries, including 37 where same-sex acts are illegal.

Why is it needed?

There are still over 60 countries that criminalise homosexuality, which is why days like this are so important. Every year thousands of lives are lost in the fight for equality. Limited access to healthcare, support and protection leaves so many of the LGBTQ+ community vulnerable and at high risk.

How it is celebrated?

IDAHOBIT is celebrated worldwide and has a chosen theme each year. Annual events are arranged with guest speakers talking about specific topics in relation to the year’s theme and people also may wear rainbow ribbons in support.

The Sexual Health Outreach Team support and promote IDAHOBIT by:

  • Using our social media platforms, we aim to raise awareness, educate professionals and services users on the IDAHOBIT themes
  • Partnership work with local organisations
  • Offer support to the LGBT community via our helpline 0151 247 6560
  • Offer support to the LGBT community via our one to one video calling service.