The NHS has an important role to play in reducing health inequalities yet, in some cases, the people most in need of health care have the most difficulty accessing it (DoH, 2008).

Many of our patients and their carers require alternative methods of communication.  This includes people who are deaf or have a hearing impairment, those that are blind or have visual impairments, those who have a head injury or learning difficulties and those who don't use English as their first language.

Interpreting services also support health professionals to deliver a safe and effective service to all population groups in our area.

Face to Face interpretation

Mersey Care utilises Language Line, a company providing a high quality interpretation service. Language Line Interpreters provide word for word interpretation between the patient and health professional.

Telephone interpretation

Language Line also provide a telephone interpretation service to support those patients who do not speak English. Telephone interpretation can be pre-booked by your clinician, or used in an emergency to deal with an immediate communication difficulty.

The service is available 365 days a year covering over 120 languages.

Virtual interpretation

To support the continued use of Attend Anywhere it’s now possible to book remote Language Line interpreters to attend video virtual clinic appointments.


RNID, previously known as Action on Hearing Loss, offers a sign language interpretation and support service, which is directly accessible for members of the public. To contact them, or for further information regarding the specific services and support they offer, visit their website.

Ask Doc BAME Health Organisation, in Greater Manchester, has developed spoken COVID-19 advice, which is based on NHS England advice and available in a number of languages:

The Roma Support Network COVID-19 video

Friends, Families and Travellers - useful advice for gypsy, traveller and boater communities in relation to COVID-19


Information on Asthma: Information and frequently asked questions relating to Asthma. (Available in a variety of languages)


Breast feeding and Weaning

Unicef - Baby Friendly resources (Available in a variety of languages)


Citizens Advice

Accessibility Information - provides details of tools on the Citizens Advice website and general hints and tips, aimed at improving accessibility for those with visual impairment


The Alzheimers Society - Fact Sheets: Fact sheets from the Alzheimers Society. (Available in a variety of languages)



Diabetes UK - General Information: Information on Diabetes from Diabetes UK. (Available in a variety of languages)



NHS - FGM Health Services: Information and support for FGM, produced in various languages from NHS Choices


Sexual Health and Pregnancy Advice

British Pregnancy Advisory Service: Information about contraception and pregnancy. (Available in BSL)